It feels like I've been here in Shawnee for only a month and it’s almost been four. This week has been pretty busy and the work has been good. My guess is that this will be my last full week in Shawnee, since transfers are on the 5th of February.
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Early Morning Studies |
This week we had a dang good lesson with our recently new investigators T~ and K~ that we ran into right after our investigator Kev (Navy boy) dropped us. T~ and his friends pulled up into the duplex's driveway and got out of the car with brown bags (alcohol) in their hands. They came up and started talking to us, we started to teach and answered their questions on his porch. We would have taught them a full lesson right there if they weren't "Fixin' to get drunk".
T~ sounded really interested in our message, so we set up a time to come back. Since then we have met with him and his girlfriend K~ a couple of times. T~ is in his 20’s and just recently got released from prison, he's a humble guy. Each time we have taught him we would take up about 45 minutes of just answering questions. We have only really gotten to teach him a Restoration. This week we taught him the Doctrine of Christ which contains the 5 key steps in using Christ’s Atonement; Faith, Repentance, Baptism, The Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End. We read 2 Nephi 31 and talked about why Christ was baptized and why he traveled miles on foot to be baptized by John. Just by reading the Book of Mormon, all of T~’s questions were answered. It was great, he would stop reading and ask a question, and then we would tell him to keep reading and once he would finish the verse he would have an Ah HA moment. After we had finished reading the chapter he stated that now he understands why we've wanted him to read. Everything fell into place, just from him reading. We are going to be teaching him again tomorrow.
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Together |
We also had a solid lesson at the library with J~ on the Doctrine of Christ. He loved the message and was attentive the whole time. He asked good questions and of course the "speaking in tongues question," which is a common belief among Pentecostal church; which means that when you feel the Holy Ghost you yell in tongue (gibberish that no one can understand). We explained that in Acts on the day of Pentecost, the apostles spoke in cloven tongue (cloven means 2), which meant that the Galileans and the Jews could understand and hear them in their own tongue. We talked and focused on the priesthood and that baptism is a saving ordinance and must be performed with the authority of God. J~ is truly seeking to find the truth, and wants be baptized as soon as he prays to know if the Book of Mormon is true.
Sadly Elder Moore will be going home at the end of this transfer, and will be beginning his journey to find an eternal companion. (We have been teasing him about it.) It has been a privilege to serve around the zone leaders. This week has been good and so will the next.
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E-mailing at the Family History Center |
Sincerely, Elder Watkins
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