This week has been good. We found two new investigators, A~ an older lady who is an inactive Methodist, and Mx~ who is the referral we got from Brother H~. We had an awesome lesson with Mx~. We taught him the restoration and he enjoyed it. It was hard for him to remember what the missionaries taught him when he lived in Idaho; because of all of the medication he had to take, but as we taught he started to remember things and his eyes would start to glow. We are going to teach him again this week and we are going to get him started on reading the Book of Mormon.
Yesterday we went over to the Fz home and gave them the picture of the Salt Lake Temple. We kept it gift wrapped so they could be surprised. It was funny Brother Fz (B~) couldn't tell what it was. Sister Fz (J~) opened it and almost started to cry. She was so happy she loved it. She said that she is going to find a space for it right away. We shared with her the scripture in Alma about the stripling warriors, and talked about a Mothers sacred responsibility to nurture and teach her children. Sister Fz was so happy and closed the visit with a prayer in tears. She is awesome!
This coming week looks really promising with all of the new potentials that we found in Davis. One of them is Y~ she is so solid. We are so excited to teach her this coming Wednesday. Also we are going to start teaching a young couple D~ and S~ on Tuesday. The Lord is providing and the work is picking up it should be a great week!
Thank you for all of your letters and e-mails. I love you all!
Sincerely, Elder Watkins

Riding in Brother's C's Bronco
The 1978 Ford Bronco
Wynnewood Oil Refinery
Oh and a poisonous Brown Recluse we found in our apartment last night...
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