Monday, August 11, 2014

My Friend Lee (Week 47)

This week has been good we have had some cool miracles.

I don't know if you remember or not but at the beginning of last transfer we ran into a Vietnamese man . I can't remember if I told you about him, but his name is Lee and when we first met him he could only speak a little English. Since then we have continued to meet with him, communicating with him on his iPad. When we visit him we show him Mormon messages (with close captions), and we show him scriptures in his English and Vietnamese Book of Mormons and he is starting to learn English. We have challenged him to read the English and the Vietnamese side by side to learn English. The first visit we had with him this transfer he expressed to us that the text on the English Book of Mormon was to small for him to see, so last time we brought him a big printed English Book of Mormon, we opened it up to 3 Nephi Chapter 11 in both the Vietnamese Book of Mormon and the English Book of Mormon, and left him with the commitment to read the chapter before we came back, he then held up the English Book of Mormon and started to read out loud, IN ENGLISH! With almost perfect pronunciation. He read the chapter heading and the first verse almost perfectly. It was bizarre. As he read the chapter heading I pointed to my palms, my feet, and my side. giving him visual signs as he read. I watched his face as everything started to make sense to him.

Next week we are going to take a young Vietnamese recent convert (the only one in our mission that we know of) over for an actual lesson and she is going to translate for us. We are super excited. What a blessing it will be for her to begin doing missionary work. We are all guided by the Lord to stand in certain places to serve and bring souls to Christ.

(Note: See Independence Day! (Week 42) paragraphs 4-5 to read about when Elder Watkins first met Lee.)

We also started teaching a potential investigator that the missionaries have met with for months. It's about time! She is an older Mexican women who is a devout Catholic. One day we decided it was time that she should be taught. After a visit with her we told her we wanted to share a quick message with her about Christ. She was open and we shared with her the message of the restoration. The spirit was so strong and I could just see the excitement on A~'s face as we told her about the Book of Mormon and a modern day prophet. She didn't have any arguments or negative comments. We gave her a Book of Mormon and her face lit up with joy. "FOR ME?!" ha ha she is awesome. We are going to give her one in Spanish kinda like Lee, to help her learn English better.

This week was good and next week is going to be even better. Keep me posted!

Sincerely, Elder Watkins

My friend Lee

Yeah they're about done for.

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