Besides Elder Matthews being sick with bronchitis, this week has still been really good and productive. The Lord has helped everything work out for our good. We were able to see all of our progressing investigators by getting rides with members, and all of them are doing great!
Joseph has completely quit smoking! From two and a half packs a day to zero! He has changed and grown so much for the past few weeks, and it's been incredible. On Saturday, we visited with him and he hadn't slept for over 24 hours because of his insomnia. Through out the day he read two of the gospels from the New Testament and an hour and 30 minutes of the Book of Mormon. It was amazing to watch the excitement in his eyes as he told us all of the new things that he had learned from his study.
He is like a scholar now. No joke. For one of the first visits with him we (through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost) wrote 10 promised blessings from the Lord that he would receive from quitting his tobacco habit. One of those blessings was that his memory would become stronger. Today he was reciting scripture to us. Things are looking good for his baptism on February 19th.
This fast and testimony meeting was awesome. S~, an inactive member that is in the half way house bore his testimony. It was amazing. He has a contrite spirit and a healing heart. We are so
excited to continue to see him progress. We are starting up a scripture study with him this week at the half-way house. He has been telling his inmates about the Book of Mormon and a few of them want to join the study and learn more. Now that is member missionary work!
This week should be good. Elder Matthews is sounding a lot better so we will be on the bikes again soon. Freezing winds here we come!
Sincerely, Elder Watkins
Moment of silence for Faded Fabio
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