This past week we have been doing service for Mrs. B~'s Brother T~ on a house that he is painting/remodeling. Our first impressions of T~ was that he was a pretty rough guy always in a
hurry. Mr. B~ was telling us about the project and we asked if we could help. He asked T~ and he said sure. We went with Mr. B~ the first time out into the far country in Velma. The next time we went to help, T~ picked us up. While we were in the car he started to ask us questions about what we did as missionaries and what we believed. His interest grew and we had a really good conversation. About the time we were pulling in he asked if he could study with us sometime. Why of course! On the third day we helped him he picked us up and took us to Taco Bell for breakfast (good stuff), and offered to buy us something that would help us with our missionary work... he offered to buy us new bikes. He's a very nice guy, we politely told him that we weren't serving him for any reward. He was persistent, we told him the gift we would enjoy most is if we could share the message that we love with him. He said: "okay, but also I'd like to take you guys to the rodeo with my family this weekend if that's okay." We asked president for permission and got to go to the rodeo with him! I'll send pictures! We are hoping to teach him sometime this week.
We had another great lesson with Br~ this week, he has already read to 2 Nephi! We taught him the plan of salvation and he really enjoyed it. It made complete sense to him. He is still on his spiritual search for the unity of faith. He says some of the most profound prayers I've heard on my mission. We are just helping to ask those specific questions so he can get those specific answers the Lord has prepared for him. He is going out of town next week for a political meeting so we won't see him for a while, but it will give him more time to study and pray. We are hoping he can come to church soon.
We are finding new investigators and things are starting to pick up here in Duncan. Keep us in your prayers. Love you all!
Sincerely, Elder Watkins
The rodeo with T~
Getting the horses ready
Sunsets. They never get old.
Axis and Allies for a rainy p-day. Lol
Service before...
... and after
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