We have had a crazy week. Everything is a blur. The clock is accelerating. We have found a lot of new investigators and we are seeing a lot of miracles and blessings coming from the Lord. We have begun to teach J~ (our finding miracle from 2 weeks ago). She is awesome.
We had trainers' meeting on Wednesday which was very inspired. I am so excited to train but I am also nervous. It will be good.
We have found some amazing people up in Marlow this past week. Yesterday we taught E~ the Doctrine of Christ. It was such a powerful lesson even though it was on the porch. It was such a perfect lesson because we truly discerned her needs and taught towards them. She has been out of church for 7 years and can see the difference church attendance has made on her life and she wants it back. We taught her about the sacrament and the blessings of church and the spirit brings to the home. At the end of the lesson before we left she sincerely thanked us for the visit and told us that she felt touched. We explained to her that it was the spirit the she felt. We are going to set up a church tour with her next week. Super pumped!
Speaking of church tours, we had one last week with Br~! We had brother Lim there and it went great! We had a funny moment though. We came a little early to get everything ready, made sure the AC was on, and that everything was tidy. Well apparently we totally missed this huge wolf spider that got on the wall. Haha we were doing the tour and turned the corner and Br~ pointed it out. We all just stood there awkwardly. I quickly grabbed an empty vase and a paper plate from the kitchen, caught it, tossed it outside, and on we went with the tour. Haha, we had a good laugh. Hopefully Br~ will be able to come to church one of these coming Sundays when he isn't so busy. Pray for him.
Well I'm out of time. I love you all! Happy Fathers day!
Sincerely, Elder Watkins
Oklahoma sunsets never get old.
The music store we went to on p-day had a steel slide guitar. Very cool.
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