On Sunday we had a visitor/new move-in at church. They are from Venezuela, but moved here from Texas. The wife is a member but the Husband is not. We taught the Restoration in Gospel Principles class which worked out perfect. He really enjoyed church and they will be coming back. We are going to help them move in as soon as they have everything settled with their new house. We are really excited to teach him!
On Sunday night we had some of our plans fall through, so we decided to try out our investigator family the Busby's. We pulled up and they were on their porch. B~ is recovering from back surgery and is doing really well. We got invited inside and got to talk about their scripture reading (the struggle for a lot of our investigators). Well while we were there, T~ came over! It was awesome! We have been unable to start teaching him because of his schedule, and him living so far away from town. We got to teach him at the perfect time when he needed our message the most. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he asked us if he could read a copy. He had a lot of cool questions. We taught him about the holy ghost and prayer and how we can receive answers from God. We are going to teach him again in a week or so. We also might be helping him build his house! I'm excited!
We had fun in Marlow with some members for the 4th of July. We had lunch at Sister Dupont's house (recent convert). A couple of the other elder's investigators were there as well. It was pretty cool, I got to talk to Sister Dupont's father (who is in his 90s). He was an amazing musician in his early years, and he has worked with a lot of famous musicians (Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and John Carol). He still plays guitar and showed me some of his tricks. SO COOL! For dinner we ate at the bishop's with some of the members, and watched the Marlow fireworks from their house in the country. I love the members of this ward, they are amazing.
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! I love you, God bless!
Sincerely, Elder Watkins
Winndel teaching us some tricks
Hiking Elk Mountain again
more hiking :)
Planner cover for Elder Sheffield
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